Angelica Grace Designs Blog

Tuesday, December 30, 2008


Just trying to catch up and post a few of the shots I got from the Naples Zoo and the beach this past Saturday while here in Florida. I have ones of Brent with the kids as well that still need uploaded too. More too follow. I can't believe I'm like 2 days - maybe three - behind in editing and posting the shots. I guess I've really been enjoying the R&R a bit too much while here this time, eh? :) Just nick name me the "The Slacker!"

Sibling love...

Just hanging out at the zoo...

Our stud man, Brennen, at the zoo this past Saturday. He's just getting way too big, too quick. And below, Brennen with my "Razzi" again - putting her to good use while shooting the alligators at the zoo.

Brennen on the beach above...
And a few funky shots of Kenidi below...
And one reflecting the feel of a little sand in the mouth. She's not happy about it either. Can't say that I blame her...
For now, we are off to dinner. Enjoy your Tuesday evening. Big New Years Eve tomorrow night. Fun ahead...Naples 5th avenue puts on a heck of a "get down" for New Years. We went last year and loved it. We plan to attend again this year. Pictures to come, I'm sure.
xoxoxo, Angie

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Blogger Alice said...

When I look at pictures of Kenidi, especially the one with the foot in the air, I SMILE!!!

Just from reading your blog for a while I can tell that you guys are GREAT parents that want the best for your children so you have probably already tried this with Kenidi.....sign language???

I am an Interpreter for the Deaf and we taught our girls how to sign before they could talk. It cut down on melt downs (I am aware that Kenidi's situation is much different but thought I would suggest it if it is something that you have not tried yet).

Have a HAPPY New Year!!! Your photos are fantabulous!!!!

12/30/2008 7:28 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kenidi always has the cutest, trendiest outfits and day you should post all your fave places to shop for girls clothing!! I LOVE the pic of Brennen with the palms....fantastic coloring! I guess you have another photographer in the family!! Keep enjoying your R&R...while I love seeing the's more important to enjoy the moment!
Happy New Year!

12/30/2008 8:14 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love Kenidi's top! So cute!

Enjoy your restful vacation. I've been slackin', too. I'm just sayin'...

'Nuff said!

12/30/2008 10:37 PM  
Blogger Angie Seaman said...

Hi Alice. How cool that you are an interpreter. That is awesome. As far as Kenidi goes, yes...we teach her sign language. She learns in school each day too. Her teacher sends us the words for the week and we learn the new words right along with her. However, she speaks words more than she uses the signing. She uses one word statements (i.e., juice, eat, sleep, Mommy, Daddy, beach, off, up, etc.) Therefore, being her parents, we understand her most of the time but there are times when she doesn't have a word for what she wants. Same with signing. That is when we experience a lot of the melt downs or also when she doesn't get her way. Beings that she is 5, she functions on more of a two or three year old level. People keep telling us that she is probably just going threw her terrible two's. Ha ha!

Thanks for your comment. Sign language has been fun and instrumental in teaching her things we were unable to initially.
Hugs, Angie

JANAE & KAREN: Thanks for your compliments on Kenidi's clothes. Ironically, as I go back and look at what she has worn thus far since being here (the things you guys have seen her wear here this past week on the blog) are all outfits I got at my favorite children's boutique here in Naples. We purchased them for her when we stayed here over this summer. Either way, thank you so much for your sweet compliments. She is always such a hot mess (hair everywhere, food on the shirts, etc.) when I go to get shots of her in recent days. Gotta' love it!

Love ya, Ang

12/31/2008 8:45 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Those great photos make me really miss those beautiful grandkids of mine!!!
Love, Grandma Debbie

12/31/2008 8:47 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Welcome Back, I missed your daily posts, But I totally understand. Kenedi and Brennen look like they belong in the sand. Having a BALL I can tell. I forget, how long are you in Florida this time? Have fun there because here in Illinois it is in the single digits and a little snow at the moment, ugghh.
Christina ( a preemie mom)

12/31/2008 9:34 AM  
Blogger Angie Seaman said...

Hey Christina...
We leave Florida and return home the night of January 5th.
(next Monday evening) I am definitely not looking forward to stepping off that plane in Indy back into 20 and 30 degree temps.
Not fun! Hugs, Angie

12/31/2008 10:56 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fun Pix of (THE KIDS) still would like to see a family picture. Brennen I love your hair long, I hope you let it grow out like the jonas bros. Just keep that hair cream on it---"Brillcream---a little dab'll do ya" I think that's what the guys wore in the olden days when they were trying to let their military hair style grow out. I love you guys! "Happy New Year! xoxoxo

12/31/2008 4:17 PM  
Blogger Katie said...

These are awesome. I want to know if it is the photoshop editing that makes them pop your new camera, both or your getting better (: You can brag they are really good. I notice they look better each time I look at your blog. I'm getting photoshop, a new computer but not a new camera for a while. My last one was to much so I will have to wait to get me a papa!! So awesome though, love them.

1/02/2009 9:31 AM  
Blogger Angie Seaman said...

You are too funny Katie! Actually, I truly believe it is the new camera and the classes I've had with my photo coach. The classes with him have taught me so much and the new camera (Big Papa) has required me to learn so much more on the fly because it doesn't offer the auto mode. As for photoshop, I haven't begun using it yet. I had two classes on the ins and outs of photoshop before I left for vacation and will have more once I'm back home but I truly haven't had enough time to get on there and really practice with some images to see how much I do or don't like it. Therefore, I used it with the instructor during those two class times but that has been it. I don't even have it uploaded on my lap top yet so I don't have access to it while here. I should have put it on here before I left, I could have been "exploring" the program itself while here on vacation.

Thanks for your compliments either way. I'm just having so much more fun with it all now that I've had the classes. And even though I squirmed at getting that camera without an auto mode, I think it was the BEST decision I ever made. It propelled me to another level within days of having to learn to use it. I can thank my photo coach for making me buy it instead of the D90 (with an auto mode).

Hugs girlie!

1/02/2009 9:41 AM  

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