Angelica Grace Designs Blog

Saturday, May 17, 2008


Oh boy did "Razzi" (my camera) and I have a ball last night. I unpacked my new 70-300mm telephoto Nikon lens that Brent and the kids got me for Mother's Day and went to town. There is nothing like capturing moments in time that truly are images which will last forever. It's even better when you have a great camera and a few incredible lenses that help you with that task. I know I've said it before - a million times - but I'm going to keep saying it anyway....."I love my camera!"
Brennen had a football game last night and we found Kenidi at one point with another boy's helmet before the game. She struggled a bit to get it on - with some help from us -but eventually she got it right where she wanted it. Well maybe......
Ha ha! She had a ball and so did I while capturing these shots. It was a gorgeous day - despite the muddy fields from the rain over the past few days. Brent and I had a charity gala to attend together up on the North side of town after the actual football game. I was originally going to wear my dress and heels to the game and then just leave from there to head North for the Gala. All I can say now is that it is a good darn thing I opted for jeans, a sweatshirt, and some good ol' tennis shoes at the last minute. Had I been in those heels, I would have been sinking like quick sand and it wouldn't have been a pretty sight.
Either way, it was a terrific evening.
Kenidi had a blast - as always - making herself at home with the "boys."
Brennen played awesome - got some good runs and a great interception in. They ended up winning which is always a great end result to a game.
This is Brennen-far left side-white helmet and white face mask-chatting it up with some of his teammates/buddies. I love the candid look here. It propels me forward in time a few years to when he'll be chummin' with his pals as a teenager. They just look so big here - even though they aren't even in their full pads/equipment.
The shot above and the shot below are of Brennen running for and catching a pass thrown by the other team. Great interception there stud man! As always, you R-O-C-K!
Good ol' "backyard football" - as their coach likes to refer to it. Ya' gotta love it!
As I said before, Brent and I finished off the night on the North side of town at an event that was gorgeous and fun - even though it required me to be in another dress for the 2nd time in two weeks. Mark this down in history because I am ssssoooooooo not a dress girl. The gala was to help raise money for underprivileged children in what most consider a very affluent area. It just goes to show you that there are "needs" anywhere and everywhere all over this world if we are just willing to pay attention and get involved. I was glad that we were able to take part in the event. It also made for another great date night with my Brentster too. I was even more filled with glee when Brent decided we should hit Ruth Chris steakhouse for a late night 9:45pm dinner with friends after the Gala was over. Ha ha! I won't mention the fact that yes I worked out this week only to go indulge in an upside down chocolate souffle' for dessert last night. was either that or chow down on about 15 coconut cupcakes at the Gala itself. Ha ha! It was one of those things that just had to be done. :)
Until Monday, have a spectacular weekend. XOXOXO, Angie


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